College Fairs: Why You Should Go?
If you’re thinking about attending a college fair, but unsure of exactly what it entails, college fairs have many great aspects that are beneficial to students.
1. Discover new colleges
If you’re thinking of attending a college fair, chances are you already have a few colleges in mind that you want to go see. Those colleges might be close to home or right around the corner. However, a great benefit of going to a college fair is discovering new colleges that you didn’t know about before. By doing this, you are opening your options to more colleges that you might find interesting at the fair and not missing out on anything.
2. Talk to college representatives
Most of the time, a quick Google search can give you the general facts that you want to know about a university, like the faculty to student ratio or the location. However, if you are trying to find answers to more personalized questions, like how Greek life is on campus, going to a college fair can be super helpful. You can make a list and ask all of your questions to the representative, which will give you a better idea of what your individual experience at the college would be like.
3. Less expensive
College fairs can be a cheaper alternative to visiting college campuses. Most of the time, the tours cost money and you don’t get personalized advice or answers to your questions. Going to a college fair is almost always free and you are free to ask as many personalized questions as you want.
4. Aids in decision-making
Going to a college fair can help you narrow down your options. Going to see many colleges at one time can help you realize that you might like one more than the other. By doing this, you are crossing one more college off your list and getting one step closer to finding the right college for you.
5. Makes a lasting impression
By going to a college fair, you can get noticed by a college. Although attending a college fair will not result in your acceptance to a certain college, it might help you in the long run. Getting your name out there and keeping in touch with the college representatives that you meet at the college fair can benefit you!