Fear of Studying Abroad
Having the idea of studying abroad is always present in the mind of each student, there is usually a point in life in which the act where we see ourselves studying in another country comes to mind. But certainly, just as we find positive feelings such as emotion, we also run into the negative part that would be the fears of studying abroad.
When something is new and unknown, the most common thing in the world would be that there are many concerns. A million doubts and fears cross your mind, from questioning yourself if you are able to resist in a country that is totally unknown to you at a distance from your family, to if you think that you will not be able to adapt to the weather and schedules of That country.
Always keep in mind that fears manifest because it is something you do not know.
Some main fears are:
Not adapting to the culture.
Thinking that you will not be able to learn the language where you decided to study.
Imagine that the people who reside in that country will not help you prepare and make you feel uncomfortable in the university you chose.
Suppose that when you go to the country where you want to study, your economic plan fails, you run out of money, and you find yourself in problematic circumstances.
Fear that because you are a foreigner, you cling to the idea that this could cause problems.
These are some endless fears that could present themselves in the mind of any student thinking of starting their studies outside their home country. You always have to remember that most of the time difficulties will manifest themselves , but as we have already said, it is NORMAL, not everything is perfect the first time, but you can work to face them.
These are some tips that can help you overcome this fear of change:
Informing yourself and organizing everything you need in advance will reduce your fear of uncertainty. For example, if knowing well the dates of when you have to pay the tuition, when to start with your procedures and what you will need while you are on campus, it will surely make you have more control and you will be calmer.
Get informed
We are in an age where the internet and networks are at their peak. You have a great source of information on the internet where you can search about the country and the university you are going to, and you can prepare yourself against a culture shock.
Keep a positive mind
You can face any change if you stay positive and accept the new experiences. You must also have an open mind for the new culture in which you will live, if you can handle it, your integration process will be easier, and you will be able to make friends who will help you cope with this change.
Furthermore, you must trust yourself, that you will be able to overcome those fears, even when you make mistakes, those mistakes will be part of the process of your training.
At Misstudy through orientation, we will help you feel more comfortable and support when choosing a university in any country you decide to go to.