I think I am in the wrong career. What do I do now?

You finish school, you enter university, you start your degree, which means a new stage in your life, classmates, professors, different study dynamics, a new schedule, and you start all this with the maximum level of motivation and enthusiasm. But sometimes, that enthusiasm doesn't last as long as you'd hoped.

As you progress, you begin to realize that the career you chose was not what you expected, which causes you to suffer from stress and anxiety, since you begin to rethink what you are going to do.

Starting over is not easy at all because you have to think, investigate and organize again which can lead to moments of crisis where you feel frustration, anguish and even guilt, but if it is something that you really need to do, it means that you must assimilate everything you feel because it is part of the process.

Choosing again what you want to study is not easy at all, especially because you have already chosen once, and it did not turn out as you expected, so there is a fear of making a mistake again, that is why the best thing you can do is ask for help.

Universities have different courses, seminars and/or professionals to accompany university students who are reconsidering their career options for various reasons, helping them to distinguish the factors that led to change and thus develop new career projects or reorganize their academic status. current.

Choosing what to study is an important decision and part of a process that does not happen overnight. It is related to personal maturity, expectations of oneself and others. It is important that each of us take the time to get to know each other, take the positive out of each experience and discover which projects allow us to redefine our personal and professional lives.

Starting from scratch can mean failure for some, but for others it is a new beginning on the path that they really want to travel and if you are looking to start your vocational re-orientation process, we can help you. Do you want to know how?


"I want to travel, but I don't know English..."


The Role Of Parents in the Orientation Process