The first year in college. The guide to survive.
The first year at university is one of the most anticipated by our students, and it is also the one that scares them the most.
Now it's your turn to start this adventure, and surely you already come with a preconceived idea, since they told you many things, both good and bad.
You must have many doubts and mixed emotions. That is why we want to give you some tips that may help you to adapt a little faster and thus be able to enjoy this new stage.
Do not worry if you have doubts! This first stage will be full of questions, you will even doubt if you are studying is the right career, so do not despair, since whenever we start something we have many questions.
Meet new people. Perhaps at first even this can be difficult, but look for people with whom you can share an interest and with whom you identify the most.
Starting a group at university will help you adjust a little better to academic life. You can find good study partners for exam times and in turn, perhaps great friendships that can last even beyond university.
Remember that you are no longer in school. In university life there are many issues that need more explanation, you must pay attention in class and take notes.
You are not going to like all the subjects or topics that you will see in the course of the race. Some classes that will seem infinite to you, so get ready, get psyched up and put the same willpower and effort you put into the others because who knows, and you will need that knowledge in the future.
Remember your goals. Always keep in mind the plan you had before starting the race. Pay attention to your classes, meet your teachers and show interest. In the future, perhaps these things can open many doors for you in professional life.
The first days are very important! There are introductions and orientations in the classes, the evaluation systems are explained and how the professors will handle the subjects.
Organize your times. Today there are many applications that can help you with this, such as the Google calendar, the notes on your phone, even physical agendas, use the resources that best suit what you need. At first, you will not be used to the new routine, and you may forget things, so it is important that you have everything written down.
Get involved in activities offered by the university, both academic and sports, recreational and even religious (if you are interested). It is always good to meet new people and expand your network of contacts.
There are many more tips we can give you, but these are the ones we think can help you the most. It's all a matter of putting your all to make this first year one of the best experiences, focused on studying and enjoying this new adventure.